Sunday, August 29, 2010


Recently Cairn was taken over Vedanta. Cairn Edinburgh based company is the second largest private company in terms of oil production in India after RIL.

Cairn sold its stake as they wanted to concentrate more on core competence i.e business of exploration in Greenland.


Vedanta is currently in news. Vendantta is company owned by Agrawal group.

Anil Agrawal believes that “whatever you have earned, a portion of it should go back to society”

Anil Agrawal founder of Vedanta was born in Patna Bihar. His father was a small business man. His father was into making aluminium conductors.

Mr. Agrawal was a matriculate from Miller High Scholl, Patna. Lalu prasad Yadav was his classmate and he also claim to be his great fan. He is strict vegetarian.

Anil Agrawal founded Sterlite Industries , a business operating in the industrial sector in 1976 and then in 1986 he established Vedanta Resources bringing together a variety of business owned by the Agrawal family.

Mr. Agrawal is based in UK, where he lived in London and is married and two children.