Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Capitation Fees

This time GU gave nod to 16 new colleges which could start operations from this year itself. They are of and BBA. It is record breaking approval in the history of Gujarat University. Last time approval was given was of 7 colleges in 2005. As kapil Sibal in his agenda have ordered quick approval to colleges in ordered to curb the “Donation regime” aka capitation fees which existing colleges charge from the student due to unavailability of seats.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I was reading on net and came to know about the causes of steep inflation rise. I have included some insights of inflation as follow :

1) India have spent a lot of on rural developing plan and which in turn it raised the purchasing power of the rural people and utlimately affected with Price rise of foodgrain.

2) Pratibha Patil in its joint parliament address told to curb on the public spending on programmes of rural development.